No Kidding about Bullying: 126 Ready-To-Use Activities to Help Kids Manage Anger, Resolve Conflicts, Build Empathy, and Get Along【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
No Kidding about Bullying: 126 Ready-To-Use Activities to Help Kids Manage Anger, Resolve Conflicts, Build Empathy, and Get AlongWith new lessons, an added foreword, and a revised introduction, this updated edition of No Kidding About Bullying gives educators and youth leaders hands-on activities to prevent bullying in schools and help kids in grades 3-6 cope with the effects of bullying when it does occur. Based on a nationwide survey of more than 2,000 students and teachers, this flexible resource can be used alone or as a complement to anti-bullying and character education programs already in place. Each of the 126 lessons may be completed in 20 minutes or less and include games, role-plays, group discussions, art projects, and language arts exercises that build respect, empathy, and kindness. Digital content includes student handouts from the book and bonus materials.新しいレッスン、追加の序文、および改訂された紹介で、この脆弱性に関するキッディングの最新版では、教育者や青少年指導者が学校でのいじめを防止するための実践的な活動を行い、3-6学年の子供たちが、それは起こる。
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